Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oh Joy!!!!!

It's Back!

That's right, the JOY Theater will once again shine bright on Canal Street.
The sign is up, the stage is being set, the seats are in, let the show begin!!

Listen to Sandie McNamara as she tells the story of how this theater is coming back as much much more than just a theater.  Also, listen to hear the star-studded line up that is set to play this historic venue.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

NOLABound is Bringing the Best Entrepreneurs to Town!

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

NOLA Bound doesn't mean you are headed back home after a vacation.  NOLA Bound is a collaborative effort by local economic agencies to bring influential individuals to New Orleans next year during NOEW, New Orleans Entrepreneuer Week, to show them how and why New Orleans is the best and coolest place to start, relocate or expand a business.  Spearheaded by GNO, Inc, the group of 25 will visit various companies and business amenities that the city has to offer.  Curry Smith with GNO, Inc gives us the details of this unique opportunity to showcase the entrepreneuerial spirit of the city.