You have to recognize that this view(right) of Rampart Street will be changed forever once South Market District opens. It has already changed with Rouses and others. I remember vividly the proposals after the storm for this area. Every city council meeting had a new developer with great looking building proposed for various sites, and they all were going to transform the skyline. Well, in all fairness, it does take a while to transform a skyline. So the fact that we are just now seeing these changes, within 7 years of the storm, is actually a remarkable achievement. In order to drastically change a skyline, I would expect at least a decade or more. But looking down O'Keefe from Poydras, you can see evidence of those changes. The Exchange Centre building signage is visible and the pedestrian activity at Poydras and O'Keefe is robust.

So when the news is...well...the news, do yourself a favor and get on top of a building and look at the city from a different perspective.
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