Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Retail makes a come back in Algiers

The property formaly known as Village Aurora is now being transformed into Algiers Plaza, and finally brining back retail to the Algiers market. Joe Mann describes the turning points that got this proposed project off the ground.

Economic Development and Commerce Merge

Chris Kane with the Algiers Economic Development Foundation discusses the changes that the city, state and federal government has made that has encouraged new economic development such as Algiers Plaza.

For a list of bank-owned properties for sale, email a request to info@ecommrealty.com

How do you convince retailers to come to a market????….Brokers

And now......for something totally different, we have a call-in from a local comedy act who is bringing something new to the New Orleans comedy scene. British humor??? Clean comedy??? The call throws the host off, now that was funny!

Behind every great retailers is a great broker. Commercial real estate brokers are the best salesforce of New Orleans, we sell it and know it, better than anyone. Of course, our local economic developers do the same and our guest Joe Mann and Chris Kane discuss how its done.

The rebirth of a Legend-Lakewood Golf

One of the most popular golf courses in the city makes a come back. This project demonstrates how to turn around a golf course and create economic development by bringing back a legend. This course was a former PGA Tour stop and is set to become a resort and convention destination. Being only 5 mins from downtown, this property is poised to become a jewel in the redevelopment of the city.

For a list of bank-owned properties for sale, email a request to info@ecommrealty.com

Monday, August 6, 2012

Louisiana Film History Dates Back to…?????

How far back does the film industry date back to? Was New Orleans the first to have an indoor movie theater?

Why does our film history matter? How can we use it? Where was the last scene in Easy Rider filmed?

Ed and Susan Poole with Global Cinema Research discusses all of this and more. Global Cinema Research is an international company that is located in Gretna, LA and provides research and valuation services to film industry clients across the globe. www.HollywoodontheBayou.com and www.learnaboutmovieposters.com

Bad school lunch is a thing of the past

Remember your school's cafeteria and lunches. The frozen pizzas, meatloaf surprise, and of course.....Sloppy Joe's. The lunch lady may have changed her ways, now she cooks with real food and its healthy!!! Hopefully, they still wear the hair nets though. (yes, we play the Adam Sandler Lunch Lady song)

A new company has entered the school lunch market and will be serving up healthy and fresh meals for students, not only for the nutrional benefits, but to provide a better learning environment. And creating 50 new jobs in the process.

Revolution Foods is revolutionizing the school lunch industry. Hear their start up story and how New Orleans is in the early stage of this food revolution. www.RevolutionFoods.com